The Magnificently Abundant You!
No matter who you are, where you grew up, or what your family situations were, you are and always have been abundant. You are already an abundant being and were born that way. Our entire universe is abundant. That is the truth of who we are and the truth of our universe. Most of us have been programmed out of abundance and programmed to think in lack. It is our limited thinking or limited beliefs (false beliefs) that is what caused us to have lack in our lives. We are always creating from our attitudes and beliefs. Whatever we ask…
How Can I Be Lucky in Life Too?
"I have a friend that always seems to be lucky. Things line up for her all the time. Anything she needs seems to show up in her life exactly when she needs it. It's almost spooky. How can I get my life to work like that for me too?" ~ Paul, Martin City, MT Dear Paul, It sounds like your friend, whether she is consciously aware of it or not, is practicing the Law of Attraction. There is no good luck or bad luck. It is all attraction. Instead of focusing on what your friend has, focus on what you want…
How Can I Manage My Teenagers?
"I used to think I was a great parent, before my 3 kids became teenagers. There are days when I don't know who these kids are, and I'm embarrassed to admit that some days I wish I'd never had children.... Suggestions?" ~ Marie, El Paso, TX Hey, I get it. I am a mom of two myself and there are days when I wish I was living alone again. But it is the resistance and the non-acceptance of the situation that makes it worse for us. We do have to accept that we are parents and we made this decision to do…